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ABBOTT, Joseph Carter, journalist, born in Concord, New Hampshire, 15 July, 1825; died in Wilmington, North Carolina, 8 October, 1882. He studied at Phillips Andover academy, and subsequently under private instruction, covering the usual College course. He then read law in Concord, and was admitted to the bar in 1852, at which time he had already edited the "Daily American" for six months. He continued to edit this journal until 1857, and in the meantime (1855) he was appointed adjutant-general of New Hampshire, and in that capacity effectively reorganized the State militia. In 185"9-'61 he assumed the editorship of the Boston "Atlas and Bee," but continued to discharge his duties as adjutant-general. He early joined the "Know Nothing" party, and during all these years was a frequent contributor to the magazines, being particularly interested in historical matters. He was a member of the commission for adjusting the boundary between New Hampshire and Canada. When the civil war broke out he showed great energy and efficiency in raising and organizing troops until, yielding to the desire for active service, he obtained a commission as lieutenant colonel of the 7th regiment, New Hampshire volunteers. On various occasions he distinguished himself, but especially at the attack on Fort Fisher, North Carolina, where his brigade stormed successively several positions where the Confederates made a stand. He was promoted colonel 22 July 1863, and commanded his regiment in active service until the summer of 1864, when he was placed in charge of a brigade and brevetted brigadier-general. After the war he removed to Wilmington, North Carolina, where he was a member of the constitutional convention, was elected United States senator by the Republicans for a partial term ending in 1871, served as collector of the port under President Grant, and was inspector of ports under President Hayes.
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