George Read
Signer of the Declaration of Independence
READ was born in Cecil County, Maryland on September 17, 1733. His mother
was the daughter of a Welsh planter, and his Dublin-born father a landholder of
means. Soon after his birth his family moved to New Castle, where George and
his five brothers grew up. He received a classical education first at Chester,
Pennsylvania and afterward at Reverend Francis Alison's Academy in New
London. Around 1748, he began reading with a Philadelphia lawyer and at the age
of nineteen was admitted to the Philadelphia bar and began to practice. The
following year, he moved back to New Castle where the family had large landed
estates and opened his law practice.
Before long, George had
enlisted a clientele that extended into Maryland. During this time he resided in
New Castle but maintained Stonum, a country retreat near the city. In 1763 he
wed Gertrude Ross Till, the widowed sister of George Ross, who also was to sign
the Declaration of Independence. She bore him four sons and a daughter. While
holding office as the crown attorney general for the three lower counties of
Kent, Delaware and Sussex, he pointed out to the British government the danger
of taxing the colonies without giving them direct representation in
parliament. Chagrined at the unchanged attitude of he mother country, he
resigned the attorney generalship.
His opposition to the Stamp Act
assured his seats on both the First and Second Congress. George Read was a
shrewd and talented lawyer who was above all else cautious. He did not believe
in jumping into a vote for independence until all efforts toward reconciliation
were exhausted. George worked hard as a delegate, sitting in on numerous
committee meetings from early morning until late in the evening. By January 1776
he was almost worn down and in need of a vacation. He left for home but his rest
was short lived. Read was summoned back to Congress for the vote for
independence on July 2, 1776. When his name was called from the roll, Read voted
against independence, the only signer of the Declaration to do so. A month
later, however, he did indeed sign the Declaration and from then on he became
one of the strongest supporters of the cause of the colonies.
same year, Read gave priority to state responsibilities. He presided over the
Delaware constitutional convention, in which he chaired the drafting committee,
and began a term as speaker of the legislative council, which in effect made him
vice president of the state. During 1779, in poor health, Read resigned from the
legislative council, refused reelection to Congress, and began a period of
inactivity. During the years 1782-88, he again sat on the council and
concurrently held the position of judge of the court of appeals in admiralty
cases. George Read was a United States Senator from the beginning of the new
government until 1793, when he resigned to become Chief Justice of Delaware,
which post he filled until his death. George Read died on September 21, 1798 at
his mansion in New Castle, Delaware.

Centennial Book of Signers
For a High-resolution version of the
For a High-resolution version of the
Declaration of Independence
We invite you to read a
transcription of the complete text of the
Declaration as presented by the National Archives.
The article "The
Declaration of Independence: A History,"
which provides a detailed account of the Declaration, from its drafting through
its preservation today at the National Archives.
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John Read - Edited Appletons Encyclopedia,
Copyright © 2001 VirtualologyTM
READ, John, planter, born in
Dublin, Ireland, in 1688; died at his seat in Delaware, 17 June, 1756. He was
the son of an English gentleman of large fortune belonging to the family of Read
of Berkshire, Hertfordshire, and Oxfordshire. Having received a severe shock by
the death of a young lady to whom he was attached, he came to the American
colonies and, with a view of diverting his mind, entered into extensive
enterprises in Maryland and Delaware. He purchased, soon after his arrival, a
large landed estate in Cecil county, Maryland, and founded, with six associates,
the city of Charlestown, on the head-waters of Chesapeake bay, twelve years
after Baltimore was begun, with the intention of creating a rival mart for the
northern trade, and thus developing northern Maryland and building up the
neighboring iron-works of the Principio company, in which the older generations
of the Washington family and, at a later period, the general himself, were also
largely interested. As an original proprietor of the town, he was appointed by
the colonial legislature of Maryland one of the commissioners to lay it out and
govern it. He held various military offices during his life, and in his later
years resided on his plantation in Newcastle county, Delaware
His eldest son, George Read, signer of the
Declaration of Independence, born at the family-seat, Cecil county, Maryland, 17
September, 1733 ; died in Newcastle, Delaware, 21 September, 1798, was one of
the two statesmen, and the only southern one, that signed the three great state
papers that underlie the foundations of our government: the original petition to
the king of the 1st Continental congress, the Declaration of Independence, and
the constitution of the United States.
He received a classical education, first at Chester, Pennsylvania, and
afterward at New London, and at the age of nineteen was admitted to the
Philadelphia bar. He removed in 1754 to Newcastle, where the family had large
landed estates. While holding the office of attorney-general of Kent, Delaware,
and Sussex counties in 1763-'74, he pointed out to the British government the
danger of taxing the colonies without giving them direct representation in
parliament, and in a letter to Sir Richard Neave, afterward governor of the Bank
of England, written in 1765, he prophesied that a continuance in such a policy
would ultimately lead not only to independence, but to the colonies surpassing
England in her staple manufactures. He was for twelve years a member of the
Delaware assembly, during which period, as chairman of its committee, tie wrote
the address to the king which Lord Shelburne said so impressed George III. that
the latter read it twice. Chagrined at the unchanged attitude of the mother
country, he resigned the attorney-generalship, and was elected to the first
congress which met at Philadelphia in 1774.
Although he voted against independence, he finally signed the Declaration,
and thenceforth was one of the staunchest supporters of the cause of the
colonies. He was president of the first naval committee in 1775: of the
Constitutional convention in 1776; author of the first constitution of Delaware,
and the first edition of her laws; vice-president of Delaware, and acting
president of that state after the capture of President McKinley; judge of the
national court of admiralty eases in 1782 ; and a commissioner to settle a
territorial controversy between Massachusetts and New York in 1785. Mr. Read was
a delegate to the Annapolis convention in 1786, which gave rise to the
convention that met in Philadelphia in 1787 and framed the constitution of the
United States. In the latter convention he ably advocated the rights of the
smaller states to an equal representation in the United States senate. He was
twice elected United States senator, serving from 1789 till 1793, when he
resigned to assume the office of chief justice of Delaware, which post he filled
until his death.
In person, Read was tall, slightly and gracefully formed, with pleasing
features and lustrous brown eyes. His manners were dignified, bordering upon
austerity, but courteous, and at times captivating. He commanded entire
confidence, not only from his profound legal knowledge, sound judgment, and
impartial decisions, but from his severe integrity and the purity of his private
character. He married in 1763 Gertrude, daughter of the Reverend George Ross,
and sister of George Ross, a signer of the Declaration. See his " Life and
Correspondence," by William T. Read (Philadelphia, 1870).
--Another son, Thomas Read, naval officer, born in Newcastle, Delaware, in
1740; died at White Hill, New Jersey, 26 October, 1788, was the first naval
officer to obtain the rank of commodore in command of an American fleet. He was
appointed on 23 October, 1775, commodore of the Pennsylvania navy, having as the
surgeon of his fleet Dr. Benjamin Rush, and while holding this command he made a
successful defense of the Delaware. He was appointed, 7 June, 1776, to the
highest grade in the Continental navy, and assigned to one of its four largest
ships, the 32-gun frigate " George Washington," then building on Delaware river.
While awaiting the completion of his ship he volunteered for land service, and
was sent as captain by the committee of safety to join Washington. He gave
valuable assistance in the crossing of the Delaware, and at the battle of
Trenton commanded a battery made up of guns from his frigate, and with it raked
the stone bridge across the Assumpink. For this service he received the formal
thanks of all the general officers that participated in that action, as is
stated in a letter of 14 January, 1777, written by his brother, Colonel James
Read (who was near him during the engagement), to his wife.
After much service on sea and land he resigned his commission, and, retiring
to his seat near Bordentown, New Jersey, dispensed a liberal hospitality to his
old companions-in-arms, especially to his brother members of the Society of the
Cincinnati. Shortly afterward lie was induced by his friend, Robert Norris, to
take command of his old frigate, tile" Alliance," which had recently been
bought, by Morris for commercial purposes, and make a joint adventure to the
China seas. Taking with him as chief officer one of his old subordinates,
Richard Dale, afterward Commander Dale, and George Harrison, who became an
eminent citizen of Philadelphia, as supercargo, he sailed from the Delaware, 7
June, 1787, and arrived at Canton on 22 December, following, after sailing on a
track that had never before been taken by any other vessel, and making the first
"out-of-season" passage to China. In this voyage he discovered two
islands, which he named, respectively, "Morris "and "Alliance"
islands, and which form part of the Caroline group. By this discovery the United
States became entitled to rights which have never been properly asserted. In his
obituary of Read, Robert Morris said: "While integrity, benevolence, patriotism,
and courage, united with the most gentle manners, are respected and admired
among men, the name of this valuable citizen and soldier will be revered and
beloved by all who knew him."
--Another son, James Read, soldier, born at the family-seat, Newcastle
county, Delaware, in 1743 ; died in Philadelphia, 31 December, 1822, was
promoted from 1st lieutenant to colonel for gallant services at the battles of
Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, and Germantown, appointed by congress, 4
November, 1778, one of the three commissioners of the navy for the middle
states, and on 11 January, 1781, was invested by the same body with sole power
to conduct the navy board. When his friend, Robert Morris, became agent he was
elected secretary, and was the virtual head of the marine department, while
Morris managed the finances of the American confederacy.
--George's son, John Read, lawyer, born in Newcastle, Del., 7 July, 1769;
died in Trenton, New Jersey, 13 July, 1854, was graduated at Princeton in 1787,
studied law with his father, and, removing in 1789 to Philadelphia, rose to high
rank in his profession. He was appointed in 1797 by
President Adams agent-general of the United States under
Jay's treaty, and held that office until its
expiration in 1809. Mr. Read was also a member of the supreme and common
councils of Philadelphia and of the Pennsylvania legislature, and in 1816
chairman of its celebrated committee of seventeen, He succeeded Nicholas Biddle
in the Pennsylvania senate in 1816, was state director of the Philadelphia bank
in 1817, and succeeding his wife's uncle, George
Clymer, as president of that bank in 1819, he filled that post till 1841,
when he resigned.
He was prominent in the councils of the Episcopal church. During the
yellow-fever plague in Philadelphia in 1793, Mr. Read and Stephen Girard
remained in the city, and he opened his purse and exposed his life in behalf of
his suffering fellow-citizens. Mr. Read was the author of a valuable work
entitled "Arguments oil the British Debts " (Philadelphia, 1798). -
-John's son, John Meredith Read, jurist, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
21 July, 1797: died in Philadelphia, 29 November, 1874, was graduated at the
University of Pennsylvania in 1812, and admitted to the bar in 1818. He was a
member of the Pennsylvania legislature in 1822-'3, city solicitor and member of
the select council, in which capacity he drew up the first clear exposition of
the finances of Philadelphia, United States attorney for the eastern district of
Pennsylvania in 1837-'44, solicitor-general of the United States, attorney
general of Pennsylvania, and chief justice of that state from 1860 until his
death. He early became a Democrat, and was one of the founders of the free-soil
wing of that party.
This induced opposition to his confirmation by the United States senate
when he was nominated in 1845 as judge of the United States supreme court, and
caused him to withdraw his name. He was one of the earliest and stanchest
advocates of the annexation of Texas and the building of railroads to the
Pacific, and was also a powerful supporter of President Jackson in his war
against the United States bank. He was leading counsel with Thaddeus Stevens and
Judge Joseph J. Lewis in the defence of Castner Hanway for constructive treason,
his speech on this occasion giving him a wide reputation. He entered the
Republican party on its formation, and at the beginning of the presidential
canvass of 1856 delivered a speech on the "Power of Congress over Slavery in
the Territories," which was used throughout that canvass (Philadelphia,
1856). The Republican party gained its first victory in Pennsylvania in 1858,
electing him judge of the supreme court by 30,000 majority. This brought him
forward as a candidate for the presidency of the United States in 1860: and
Abraham Lincoln's friends were prepared to nominate him for that office, with
the former for the vice-presidency, which arrangement was defeated by Simon
Cameron in the Pennsylvania Republican convention in February of that year. He
nevertheless received several votes in the Chicago convention, notwithstanding
that all his personal influence was used in favor of Mr. Lincoln.
The opinions of Judge Read run through forty-one volumes of reports, His
"Views on the Suspension of the Habeas Corpus " (Philadelphia, 1863) were
adopted as the basis of the act of 3 March, 1863, which authorized the president
of the United States to suspend the habeas corpus act. He refused an injunction
to prevent the running of horse-cars on Sunday, since he could not consent to
stop "poor men's carriages." Many thousand copies of this opinion
(Philadelphia, 1867) were printed. His amendments form an essential part of the
constitutions of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and his ideas were formulated in
many of the statutes of the United States. Brown gave him the degree of LL. D.
in 1860. Judge Read was the author of a great number of published addresses and
legal opinions. Among them are " Plan for the Administration of the Girard
Trust "(Philadelphia, 1833) ; " The Law of Evidence" (1864); and
"Jefferson Davis and his Complicity in the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln"
--John Meredith's son, John Meredith Read, diplomatist, born in Philadelphia,
21 February, 1837, received his education at a military school and at Brown,
where he received the degree of A. M. in 1866, was graduated at Albany
law-school in 1859, studied international law in Europe, was admitted to the bar
in Philadelphia, and afterward removed to Albany, New York He was
adjutant-general of New York in 1860-'6, was one of the originators of the "
Wide-Awake" political clubs in 1860. He was chairman in April of the same
year of the committee of three to draft a bill in behalf of New York state,
appropriating $300,000 for the purchase of arms and equipments, and he
subsequently received the thanks of the war department for his ability and zeal
in organizing, equipping, and forwarding troops. He was first United States
consul-general for France and Algeria in 1869-'73 and 1870-'2, acting
consul-general for Germany during the Franco-German war. After the war he was
appointed by General de Cissey, minister of war, to form and preside over a
commission to examine into the desirability of teaching the English language to
the French troops.
In November, 1873. he was appointed United States minister resident in
Greece. One of his first acts was to secure the release of the American ship "
Armenia" and to obtain from the Greek government a revocation of the order that
prohibited the sale of the Bible in Greece. During the Russo-Turkish war he
discovered that only one port in Russia was still open, and he pointed out to
Secretary Evarts the advantages that would accrue to the commerce of the United
States were a grain-fleet despatched from New York to that port. The event
justified his judgment, since the exports of cereals from the United States
showed an increase within a year of $73,000,000. While minister to Greece he
received the thanks of his government for his effectual protection of American
persons and interests in the dangerous crisis of 1878. Soon afterward congress,
from motives of economy, refused the appropriation for the legation at Athens,
and General Read, believing that the time was too critical to withdraw the
mission, carried it on at his individual expense until his resignation, 23
September, 1879. In 1881, when, owing in part to his efforts, after his
resignation, the territory that had been adjudged to Greece had been finally
transferred, King George created him a Knight grand cross of the order of the
Redeemer, the highest dignity in the gift of the Greek government. General Read
was president of the Social science congress at Albany, New York, in 1868, and
vice-president of the one at, Plymouth, England, in 1872. He is the author of an
"Historical Enquiry concerning Henry Hudson," which first threw light
upon his origin, and the sources of the ideas that guided that navigator
(Albany, 1866), and contributions to current literature.